about the project
HYPERION universe [modded server]
Online since 2/2020
Close alpha 2/2020 (unstable)
Beta period (a lot of bugs): 5/2020 – 11/2022
Release date (less bugs to none): 1-1-2023
The core concept behind this mod pack is to create a simple, relaxing, fun, but most importantly, fair gameplay experience. It is themed around technology and it includes popular tech mods.
This mod pack is not quest-based. Meaning, you are free to set and follow your own goals. Explore the world from the overworld to space, build your own empire by hiring NPCs, or just lay back relax and create factories with automated production lines that produce just about anything. It is your world, and you are free to do just about anything.
Follow those steps:
1] Client (Install the curseforge client – choose minecraft as main game)
2] Modpack (Search using the curseforge “Hyperion modpack” or just download it through this link)
3] Optifine (MUST) manual installation – drop the jar into your mods folder and restart the client.
5] Unlock your first implant (D-1)*
7] Resource packs (for the lore)
key: 58nDTqEgJqlbEDXtSMyT4J_vtwrEg2FRVNhimR2FJ3o
read everything bellow:
*Implants progression:
First you need to unlock your digital brain here for free (D-1): click here
D-2: 1 hour of gameplay
D-3: 3 hours of gameplay
D-4: 6 hours of gameplay
D-5: 24 hours of gameplay
D-6: 84 hours of gameplay
D-7: 167 hours of gameplay
D-8 (hidden & cursed): 1 year active gameplay none measured + Mastering nanites + Crew vote . To archive this there will be a ritual in game – our Doctor should be program his/her brain to hack everything and give access to 8th implant.
Your goal online:
– Create a corporation “press E” and check the up-left icons nearby your character GUI.
– Claim your area “press E” and click on mini-map at the up-left corner of your character’s GUI. Now click on any chunk you want to claim.
– Build your base – your factory / automation systems
Base: Everything you want to have
Factory: Everything you want to produce and sale
Automation system: Like farms or industrial diamonds
– Then build your star-base / a launchpad for a rocket or a satellite
– Go to space
– Build your own spaceship and start exploring the universe ( over 50 planets )
– Find a matching based on your needs planet.
– Most important, have fun with everyone.
– Manipulate your timeline in-game
– Use your imagination
– Do trade routes – next update
– If you do not have a spaceship, use the space-bus – next update
IP: hyperion.minecraft.gr

If you accidentally press the blue button keep in mind that you are under Captain’s orders.
You can stay or you can ask the Captain to drop you off to a planet.
If you stay on ship keep in mind that:
– You can’t break blocks but you can interact.
– Captain can request block access for you but you have to behave and follow the spaceship’s rules, then:
Choose a room
Follow crew’s plan and rules
Be part of the lore
Have a pleasant stay on Hyperion spaceship.
A proper room setup:
– Keep the volume m^3 as it is, no holes that will lead to another rooms. no holes at all, space vacuum or wires are behind this. (unless you are an officer)
– You can replace the wall with anything you want – check if can hold air / airtight sealed.
– Protect your entrance with double simple iron door – the way it is.
– You may add pressure plates or cc lua script with code – do not allow anyone to get inside with an outside button or pressure plate. Its your room, your area.
– Ship will provide you with lights, oxygen and energy – You can setup as many batteries you want after that, any kind of it – do not change the lights system – disco-crash aware
– Ships needs only 10% of your mining items in order to keep its self repairing. Do not give anything more than that.
– Start a shop at terminal area – Ind Credits are valuable.
– Report if you saw anything sus / thief / griefer etc.
– Spacesuits only on ship – we need to know who is who and the roles we setup from the beginning.
IP: hyperion.minecraft.gr

- Advanced Rocketry
- Aliens vs Predator
- MTS (Cars and planes)
- Buildcraft
- Compact Solars
- ComputerCraft
- Forestry
- FTB Utilities
- GraveStone Mod
- Industrial Craft
- JourneyMap
- Just Enough Items (JEI)
- Minecolonies
- MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod
- OpenComputers
- Project Red
- Refined Storage
- Aquaculture
- Trin (vehicles extra pac)
- Spartan Shields
- Wolf Armor
We will make changes and accept your suggestions in order to make our gameplay more interactive and fun.
Space – vacuum rules:
– Do not use wind turbines or similar structures
– let’s not mess with this madness ( 10 negative points )
– Do not overload your space station ( use one of every kind of structure ) If you want a specific farm or a specific item that you don’t have, ask someone to trade it with you. #Roleplay
– Do not use planes/cars on the vacuum and “no air planet” or less than 0.5 Air pressure. This is madness ( 10 negative points )
– Try to have 500 tiles on every space station ( 10 negative points )
– An unregister space station is unacceptable ( 50 negative points )
– You can settle on every planet you want but there is a chance of wiping out that planet/moon. EL rules may apply to every planet/moon
– Laggy structures will be punishable with jail minimum of 2 minutes and (10 negative points )
– Only 2 space elevators allowed ( 1 on a planet and 1 on a station / per corp ) ARR will apply. (Admin Random Rule)
Cars and Planes rules:
– You have to own a license in order to drive a car or a plane ( 10 negative points ) #Role play
– You have to own 1 car 1 plane and 1 truck per person, keep Co2 low. ( 64 diamonds fine for every more of them )
– You have to follow the roads in order to reach your destination (suggestion) – Do not steal any car or plane
– That’s an ARR punishment – Refuel from every LOC station # Roleplay or ARR punishment. Security rules:
– No murder/PVP on lvl5 security state (You will get an instant jail, if our policeman is offline you can file an investigation and send it to him )
Corp/base regulations (anti-lag action):
– Tiles per corp: 1000 Entities per corp: 20 ( cows chickens etc ) #Roleplay Refined storage: 500 FE 1 Nuclear reactor/fluid Your chunks must be “green” after every profile scan on pts. A huge fine of iridium may apply if every corp doesn’t follow those regulations. Be smart. Prefer Quality than Quantity. If you accept those regulations you give the opportunity to new players in order to join our world. Build on RFS area:
– If you are an owner of a land/shop you have 3 days to finish your building.
– You may ask an Architect for help.
– Do not grief other’s shops/roads and everything in the RFS area. Mods rules ( will apply for every mod ) ARR may apply
– Don’t make laggy structures in every mod – Don’t abuse the server with mod’s side effects
Negative points: 100 = Trial or ARR if the defendant luck of good attitude. After that trial your negative points will reset.
5 = Police will jail you instantly
4 = You could get killed from police if they are on the same planet/moon with you
3 = Police may ignore you
2 = There is no Police but you can file a fine if you get killed. Police can ignore it and do nothing about it.
1 = Police are not allowed, outlaw area, you are @ your own.
0 = Pirates, pirates everywhere.
How to connect:
3] Optifine (MUST) manual installation – drop the jar into your mods folder and restart the client.
5] Unlock your first implant (D-1)
IP: hyperion.minecraft.gr
Version: 1.12.2
Intel® Core™ i9-9900K Octa-Core
RAM: | 64 GB DDR4 |
Hard drive: | 2 x 1 TB NVMe SSD (software RAID 1) |
Connection: | 1 GBit/s port |
Guaranteed bandwidth: | 1 GBit/s |
Backup space: | 100 GB |
Traffic: | Unlimited |
Changelog 9-8-2020
– Major mod aad-ons, please update your mods or download the latest Hyperion mod-pack.
Changelog 21-7-2020
– Major mod upgrade, please update your mods or download the latest Hyperion mod-pack.
Changelog 10-7-2020
– New planet added (Ulacun) Alien Forest
– Private Test Server tested with upgraded mods – output: no errors ~ prepare for mods updates.
Changelog 17-6-2020
– New planet added (only prokemon with his artifact can visit it)
– Asteroid belt added.
Changelog 16-6-2020:
– Npc shops added
just right click on the NPC and
sell/buy items buy right-click on them.
Changelog 9-6-2020:
– Dynmap added @ our website
(external link)
– Planet trouble island and trouble moon have borders with center the exact cords 0,0 ( The first approach will be with “escape pods” )*
– *As an explorer of this universe, you have to create a space elevator on each planet.
Changelog 8-6-2020:
– Mobpression added
– New transmission chat added
(only new players can see D1 implant announce)
– New version of sponge mod added
– MOTD refreshed
– New server’s MOTD
– New server’s icon
Changelog 2-6-2020:
– Turtle expanded and Adv turtles are restricted due to gameplay broke. ( You can use mining turtles )
– Memory space per player added like balance /bal /baltop ( kb )- Problem with broken wires @ space fixed
Changelog 29-5-2020:
– Updated Discord mod / hotfix
– Fixed issue where bridge were sending
webhook messages in the main thread causing a stall
– Fixed stalls caused by the console message queue
– Fixed &o not being checked as a style code
– Fixed spam caused by recipe advancements
– Changed default skin api to minotar
Changelog 27-5-2020:
New MASA Laboratory at the Blue Glass Skyscraper (Next to AFK Pool)
+All machines were moved there
+Better spacing between the machines
+Boosted power generation and fixed power issues
+Added 1 more Arc furnace (Please dont use both for your own needs if multiple people want to use the furnace as well)
-Removed Small Plate Presser since you need building permissions (You can install one at your base but please dont abuse it as it can cause lag)
If you find any issues with the machines contact me
Changelog 22-5-2020:
Due to “nether” problem and luck of items I managed to create 2 more planets with unique generation.
1) Kraken ( Quartz ) security 3
2) Crystal ( Glowstone ) security 3
Go find them and start the exploration. be aware from extreme situation, prepare
yourself before land on them.
Have fun
Trouble Island and Trouble moon reset.
Changelog 21-5-2020:
The air @ planet El is clean again.
Changelog 18-5-2020:
– Nicknames with colors, default for D-6 and D-7 (/nick or /delnick ) also /realname nick
– Spawn area build permissions reset: Only Admin/Architect can build @ spawn area (If you have a store you have to ask for permission again)
– /hat, default for D-7
– /ignore power D-3 and above
Changelog ALPHA to BETA 17-5-2020+:
– Advanced rocketry
Fix bug where landing pads with empty names cause a game crash upon saving NBT
Fix fluids sometimes ending up underneath other items in NEI
Fix unchecked cast in energycable handler
– MTS (Vehicles)
Traffic signals can now be controlled via OpenComputers. Just put an adapter block below them.
Added config to only allow creative players to wrench vehicles.
Handbook now has a click-able contents page. Updated a few pages in there as well.
Better auto-tread rendering. No no more gaps or wonky double-treads.
Config for crafting overrides is split from main config to prevent it from getting nuked if main config is fouled up.
Propellers now don’t stall out as much at low speeds for better slow-speed thrust.
– OpenSecurity
added method to set keypad volume e.g.: component.os_keypad.setVolume(0.5);
added russian translation (provided by Smollet777)
fixed disappearing energy turret icon when some other mods are installed
fixed crash when using alarm as upgrade in a robot
– Refined Storage
Updated Russian translation (Bytegm)
Fixed erroring controller tile entity (ian-rampage)
Fixed Inventory Tweaks sorting not respecting locked slots (Landmaster)
Fixed OpenComputers driver voiding excess fluids (BlueAgent)
Fixed being able to move wireless items in inventory (raoulvdberge, Dabombber)
– LibVulpes
Various small changes to UI handling
– Old mods’ IDs removed
– Old MTS left us with ghosts items, we have to remove them manually. They moved poles and other decor bits from the main mod to the OCP. So, there are invisible but you can remove them and replace them ( does the animation ) You didn’t lose your vehicles.
– Server slots 20
– Old MTS advancements removed
– Last ALPHA map saved @ 17-5-2020 6:30 am
– Server side / console world tiles & entities manager is online in order to “fix” potential bugs. (IF)
– Server icon changed
– Max memory @ 32g ram DDR 4
If you find anything suspicious please, do not spam it online, keep the chat drama free/complaint free/report free. Use the chat only for it purpose, to have fun. Report everything only on #✍feedback-report. Thank you
– Rules and Roles may apply soon
– Music track for our first promo video is ready
– AR: don’t use the rocket to go to your station, use the elevator instead.
Thank you for your support.
Server is up and running – major update alpha to beta took me 1 hour to apply the changes. have fun
Impland D-1 webstore update
Unlock Implant progression.
– D-1: You can use everything and you can craft forestry + computercraft
Progression after upgrading your brain and unlocking D-1
– D-2: You can use everything and you can craft forestry + computercraft + ic2
– D-3: You can use everything and you can craft forestry + computercraft + ic2 + buildcraft + mts
– D-4: You can use everything and you can craft forestry + computercraft + ic2 +
buildcraft + mts + compact solars + projectred
– D-5: You can use everything and you can craft forestry + computercraft + ic2 + buildcraft + mts + compact solars + projectred + advanced rocketry
– D-6: You can use everything and you can craft forestry + computercraft + ic2 + buildcraft + compact solars + projectred + mts + advanced rocketry + opencomputers + opensecurity + refinedstorage
– D-7: Master unlock + Mayor @ minecolonies
Sometimes your implant doesn’t work correctly, a message will appear if you are trying to remember a past technology or force your chip to interact with something locked. Do not force it, you may occur brain damage and die instantly.
Don’t forget, you were in a capsule, alone for ages, sleeping, frozen, and wounded. take care of your hybrid body and survive the wilderness. You are part of the lore now.
We live on planet El, the system of Sirius A and Sirius B, there is one moon that we can visit, Xylanthia. Some stations are capable of warp travelling, so If you are lucky enough you can jump to another solar system and explore the universe.
Welcome back, stay sharp and don’t forget, we are here because we killed our mother planet, do not abuse/grief planet El too.
Changelog 17-5-2020:
Server will be down for major update today, morning time (ETA 1-2 hours)
I need to inform you that MTS ( vehicles ) changed its ids and some blocks, so we are going to mess with “ghost” poles that we have to remove them manually. Also, they changed their code and ONLY OP can place street lamps.
After that we will be BETA ( at last )
@ 18-5-2020 will be “open” to accept new players. So tonight every “heavy” base will be optimized one by one ( I will inform you ) . @ALPHA Hyperion
Thank you for your support
Changelog 16-5-2020:
– New tracking method for AR and new values ( worked fine on PTS – tested )
Use elevators in order to go to your stations only.
– Erroring tiles will be “visible” / brake and place those “blocks”
– “broken-mod” module for experimental fixes in on
– Some “sponge” multi-world-patches colliding/conflict modules are off
– Performance tweaks and tile entity activation range
– Better chunk load/unload method ( faster )
– IC2 glass fibre cable maybe needs brake and replace
([ic2-poolthread-11/WARN] [ic2.EnergyNet]: Tile ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable@2f4c8c31 removal without registration)
– Final stage from ALPHA to BETA ( prepare for major server and mod update )
– Map scanned for laggy chunks, we got too many – we need to fix this soon
Changelog 15-5-2020:
– Activation range for tiles / tile entities on
– New chat / prefixes bases on lore
– ANTI-p2w rank system is up (fair gameplay):
D-1 -> D-2 = 1 day gameplay
D-2 -> D-3 = 2 days gameplay
D-3 -> D-4 = 4 days gameplay
D-4 -> D-5 = 8 days gameplay
D-5 -> M1 = 15 days gameplay
M1 -> PRO = 30 days gameplay
– Implants added on server
D-1 = low implant knowledge etc.
Pro = unlocked all 7 implants – full knowledge access
– Lore for new players: “We are hybrids, we woke up with all implants locked…”
– /glow system works for everyone based on his/her implant color
– Try /ru top and /ru status ( its the ranking system )
– Rank/implant system from flat file to db
Changelog 14-5-2020:
– New tracking for entities ( less laggy )
– Mob spawning: easy mode
– Refreshed sponge’s AR world configs to avoid duplications
– Removed error entities / tiles automatically
– Gameplay: New roads
– Refreshed webstore https://rfsenergy.craftingstore.net/ (only paypal)
– “/glow” aura fx will stay on server ( I am watching it closely )
– Rank-up by time: works fine on PTS ( Soon live )
– Enable claimed area on radar: escape-> mod options -> FTB utilities -> Client side ->
J-map integration : enable
– MTS: Cars are little bit faster
– MTS: now you can pickup your own car / plane without asking help from @padakoys . Use it wisely
Lore part 1 in English:
You will wonder who we are. We could call ourselves space-time shipwrecks. We woke up in capsules, frozen, experiments of those who may never know who they were. We found ourselves on this planet lost without anything. Half of us are frozen and the rest are trying to build the first technological structures.
We come from another planet, somewhere out there in a very distant solar system, on a planet that was thriving, flourishing in every way. But greed is a disadvantage that no genome can get rid of.
It exists to destroy, causing countless losses. Unfortunately, in our case the damage was massive. Our planet was a matter of hours before it came to an end. We left as members of an experiment…
– soundtrack teaser is ready
Changelog 13-5-2020:
– Terms and conditions added (many pages)
– Donate store added https://rfsenergy.craftingstore.net/
– Discord disclaimer added
– Gameplay: new shops @ spawn area
– Soon in-game rules / roles
– Minor chat changes / login – logout messages
– Added players aura with multiple colors for PRO tag ( just for testing ) . try /glow and pick a color
Changelog 11-5-2020:
– New chat with full tags
– Degree system is online with its own tag
– Every ALPHA player will be Master 1 or PRO ( Master 1 = No access @ minecolonies)
– New permissions handler ( MIT algorithm )
– New firstspawn ( for close BETA players )
– Discord mod: @PeterGrove
– Finalizing first part of server’s lore
Changelog B 9-5-2020:
– New solar system with 1 planet + 1 moon
– Elevators – fixed
Changelog 9-5-2020
Degrees (aka ages) are online – ALPHA players for now have the highest degree
– Degree 1 ( You can use everything but you have degree @ forestry + computercraft )
– Degree 2 ( You can use everything but you have degree @ forestry + computercraft + ic2 )
– Degree 3 ( You can use everything but you have degree @ forestry + computercraft + ic2 + buildcraft + mts )
– Degree 4 ( You can use everything but you have degree @ forestry + computercraft + ic2 + buildcraft + mts + compact solars + projectred )
– Degree 5 ( You can use everything but you have degree @ forestry + computercraft + ic2 + buildcraft + mts + compact solars + projectred + advanced rocketry )
– Master 1 ( You can use everything but you have degree @ forestry + computercraft + ic2 + buildcraft + compact solars + projectred + mts + advanced rocketry + opencomputers + opensecurity + refinedstorage)
– Professor ( Master degree @ all )
[NOTE: we can make changes thru gameplay @ close BETA era ]
All above are online and functionable.
– New chat tags – soon I will add ( degree’s tag )
– Gameplay: Court of law is ready / Jury
Changelog 8-5-2020:
New configuration about AR (Rocket glitch seems to be fixed )
New cache chunks ( 500 ) to avoid load unload and threading issues.
View distance is 10 from 5 ( If we lag don’t report it, I know ) helps a lot planes
Calamity mod is on
– Cosmos is unfair – applies on every restart
– Meteorite impacts that will make planets inhabitable – applies on every restart
– Co2 system ( maybe more foggy if we will use more and more cars ) – applies on every restart
– unknown
PLEASE REMOVE ALL YOUR AR – CRAFTING BLOCKS – Keep only / Pads / Rockets / Observatory ( Use public building MASA )
Changelog 5-5-2020:
Electrical engines are back online ( 1:1 energy consumption )
Lore – Solar system update – we are @ Sirious binary system (Sirious A and Sirious B), our planet’s name is EL (Sirious C ) and our moon’s name is Xylanthia
Atmosphere pressure is at 0.8 ( breathable ) Co2 emissions low
Performance java updates – clever memory allocation
Changelog 4-5-2020 / performance tweaks:
– AR tracking performance changes
– Default dropped item life set up to 5 minutes
– AR oxygen calculation 16 to 20 blocks ( small lag spike every 1 minute – I will fix this )
– Buildcraft:
Colorblind friendly
Mining machines will consume 20% more energy
– Forestry – butterflies performance tweaks
– Opencomputers – hologram performance tweaks
– Gravestone – everyone can break a gravestone
Nuke explosion reduced 17%
– Minecolonies : npcs will be muted ( not good enough ha? )
– Global badges will be on ( for role purposes )
– New java arguments ( smoother – faster load screen and thru dimensions )
Planets: Earth
Moons: Luna
Changelog 1/5/2020:
Mobs are back – low range activation
AR tweaks and workable configs on sponge ( do not try to bug it, it works as it is ) –
didn’t work
New banned item : Mrcrayfish computer -> severe error on usage
*Dedicated server subscription -> renewed *
Changelog 30/4/202:
New sponge config ( tracking everything )
New tracking config (8000 lines) will be laggy
Changelog 28/4/2020:
Banned item list is on ( we didn’t ban mining laser -yet ) /Banneditems
Custom config for AR and sponge
We tested other planets @ PTS
Travels from overworld to Luna and back will be scheduled at this time. ( schedule will be posted here )
Clearlag – force clear all entities command (disabled) it works only manual.
we added cmd scheduler / msg scheduler
Soundtrack for our server is at 20%
We are working on custom patcher ( in order not to download anything again manually )
Luna borders are @ 5000 from spawn.
We tested space elevator (base to space station) – It works fine and its fast.
Every [A] player will be in the lore of the serve
Changelog 26/4/2020:
Changes on PTS about AR worked fine – travels from overworld to other planets / space stations will be on again after restart.
World borders for Luna will be 5000 blocks from spawn (radius) NOT YET
custom lines for AR added @ sponge config file
We will apply those changes 2morrow after server’s restart
Changelog 23-4-2020:
We refreshed server’s whitelist. Some players with less than 3 hours gameplay removed. This IS NOT ban, you can join us again @ close Beta, server needs data to improve its performance and game-experience. We apologize if you can not join us @ this point (alpha period) but we are kindly asking for you to be patient till next whitelist/ major update . Thank you.
Changelog 22-4-2020:
Advanced rocketry will be back online after the next restart – you can use its items / blocks but try not to create new ones.
Also the main fuel will be dense oil (cool) in order to interact with the OIL refine system and make space travel a little bit more challenging.
I reconfigure almost everything related to sponge and AR adding custom config lines. You will face descent delay ( do not panic ) . We are looking into it and make it smooth.
Minor changes on server shutdown system.
More performance tweaks.
We are tracking everything you do in order to see what is laggy. ( we are ALPHA ) use everything, do everything (that would be laggy too) but we need data.
Anti-lag/spam buildcraft updates (quarry)
Changelog 20-4-2020:
– Performance tweaks – Real time instead of ticks (true) still WIP, in order improve players experience when tick rate is low – More commands enabled ( perms must be on to run ) – Sleep vote: Only 1 player is enough to make it day – Watchdog is on @ 24000 in order to give space on ticks ( it will save the world and shutdown the server in order to prevent data dmg ) – Smooth backups are on – Kraken (clearlag) funny chat – Server will “cache chunks” in order to deliver them instant to players. ( Still in test mode ) – Stable jail system – Gameplay: Latest shops – World gen: Oil: false / Volcanos: false ( we will enable it again only if all resources (oil) on Earth are limited ) less lag – Pvp: False ( wip ) – no need to conflict on ALPHA – Max cap 18 slots – Minecolonies: peaceful mode ( no barbarians ) – Cooldown 5s on usage and tp : /home /spawn
19-4-2020 Changelog:
Buildcraft max distance between landmarks has been reduced to 16. This means quarry sizes can not longer be > 16×16 Buildcraft quarry max height has been reduced from 512 to 60. To get the most out of it build your quarries at y=60 Buildcraft network communication frequency has been appropriately optimized Several minor buildcraft adjustments have been made to enchance server’s performance Existing quarries > 16×16 will keep working. Because of this, if you have any quarries with size greater than 16×16, you should BREAK them and REPLACE them with smaller ones
17-4-20 Changelog:
– Real time render map / chunks – Server side – debugging ( on ) maybe laggy. – Advance rocketry exploit fixed ( solution found ) ( Yorgaraz rule 04-4-2020) – Serene seasons performance teaks – Gameplay: Police added as tag and role / Prison added / Classic mall by yorgaraz / Gas station by corp LOC ( fuel for cars ) / new Shop by @Esseker20 / new roads – Rules about borders ( map size 5000 blocks ) don’t pass the borders with your plane, you are going to lose your items and the plane. No return – Police tester: @NitariaRex – performance teaks and multiplayer priority on PTS ( private test server ) done
Changelog 16-4-2020:
./spawn @ nether fixed – its working ./spawn @ End fixed – its working Cars are a little bit faster now Craft recipe “big wheels” from MTS – fixed Leaderboard is back again with data Gameplay: Added ISA (International Spawn Airport) nearby spawn Clearlag name changed to a funny one ./back on death command doesn’t work properly ( conflicts with ftbutilities – we wait for an server side update ) – disabled Teleports cooldown @ 0s
Changelog 5-4-2020:
-BlockTileEntity.java:6xx – Fixed – FMLIndexedMessageCodec exception caught – Fixed – EntityCitizen attempting to register with Colony – Fixed (its normal) – Mob spawn: from 70 to 30 per player – Ccl attempts sync directly after client-server handshake (Fixed with KAX mod, we will add this later) – FML appears to be missing any signature data – fixed – Java teaks on startup for better performance.
Constantine aka padakoys: Project manager // music producer // website designer//
server dev // admin.
Status: active
George H aka yorgaraz: Programmer // website developer // server dev // admin.
Status: partial active
See more here