[ transmission …/ ]
The Hyperion spacecraft’s destination was automatically programmed to arrive at and inhabit the planet Trae12. Trae12 showed signs of ideal life and its star showed signs of longevity. The planet was in the golden zone and the components of the air contained exactly what scientists had been looking for thousands of years. During the voyage, Hyperion’s automated system and the 9KH central computer kept the system running properly and protected the crew during deep sleep and inactivity. The time was calculated based on the cycles of the parent planet around its star. It would take about 157,832 cycles for the Hyperion spacecraft to reach the planet Trae12. Its speed was almost 90% of the speed of light. The program chose this particular speed limit to enable 9KH to search a wide area of space for possible planets with atmospheres that would be habitable in an emergency.
read more at storyline section.

A story from our friend Quinten_MC
It all started more than 2 years ago on May the fifth, 2020.
I read an ad by Padakoys on the official Advanced Rocketry Discord. The concept seemed like it had amazing potential. And boy I was not disappointed, what I thought was going to be a month playtime max turned into a journey of numerous days and nights, A true adventure to behold. This is the tale of my experience in Hyperion…
read more at storyline section.

You will wonder who we are. We could call ourselves space-time shipwrecks. We woke up in capsules, frozen, experiments of those who may never know who they were. We found ourselves on this planet lost without anything. Half of us are frozen and the rest are trying to build the first technological structures.
We come from another planet, somewhere out there in a very distant solar system, on a planet that was thriving, flourishing in every way. But greed is a disadvantage that no genome can get rid of.
It exists to destroy, causing countless losses. Unfortunately, in our case the damage was massive. Our planet was a matter of hours before it came to an end. We left as members of an experiment…
Aliens vs Predator Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2 is a science fiction, horror, themed Minecraft mod based primarily on the Aliens Vs Predator franchise. It is also based on the two other franchises, Alien and Predator. Due to the fact that Prometheus is a part of the Alien franchise, it has also been included in the mod’s content.

[In game ID] -Our world, our planet-
We live on planet EL, the system of Sirius A and Sirius B, there is one moon that we can visit, Xylanthia. Some stations are capable of warp traveling, so If you are lucky enough you can jump to another solar system and explore the universe.

Hyperion – soundtrack 001 [W.I.S.H] We Live in Simulation Honey.